The School of Nursing has a functioning library that hosts more than a thou-sand bibliographies. Such bibliography includes: books, journals, examination question papers, and student`s research proposal and reports. The library is locat-ed in one of the first buildings of the school of nursing. The main objective of the library is to assist the school towards achievement of the vision which endeavors to be a centre of excellence in nursing education in Lesotho.

Library hours

Semester time
Weekdays : 0800 Hrs – 2100 Hrs
Saturdays : 0900 Hrs – 1200 Hrs
Sunday : CLOSED
Public Holidays : CLOSED

Examination time
Weekdays : 0800 Hrs – 2100 Hrs
Saturday : 0800 Hrs – 1400 Hrs
Sunday :CLOSED

December holidays
Library closes with the closure of the School of Nursing between the first and second semester.
Current students of the School of Nursing, staff and members of the teaching hospital are members of the library. Membership to the library is free of charge.
Loan periods
Students may borrow up to two books from the library for a period of one week. An extension period may be granted only if the book is not in demand.