To be the center of excellence in nursing education in Lesotho through research, inno-vation and learning culminating in quality health
Paray School of Nursing as a Catholic institution shall uphold Christian values in the provision of quality nursing education by inspiring learning through excellence in teach-ing. Creating and advancing knowledge through art, science and research; shaping care through evidence based practice. It also strives to produce nurses who will practice safe-ly, independently and observe scientific, legal and ethical standards in the delivery of quality nursing care meeting the changing health care needs in the community.
Paray School of Nursing believes that individuals have a right to train as nurses, irre-spective of their age, gender, race, religion and social status. All individuals training at Paray School of Nursing have the right to obtain scientific, legal and ethical preparation and development of standard on a personal and professional level. The graduates will be adequately equipped for safe and independent practice to provide for the changing health needs of the community.
To produce competent nurses that will deliver quality health care services in different settings.